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Laura Kupperman

- 190総学習者数
- 12合計セッション
- Dec 22, 2011活動開始日
- Boulder, United States位置
Laura Kupperman, E-RYT 500, began practicing yoga in 1995 and was initially hooked by how great she felt after an intense yoga "workout." It wasn't until she was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 that she began to understand the true potential for yoga to heal us on all levels.
Laura is a certified Yoga Therapist, who works with a wide range of clientele and specializes in yoga for cancer survivors and yoga for fertility enhancement. She has started yoga programs in hospitals, cancer centers and PT clinics; and currently teaches yoga for the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine,...
Laura has been teaching yoga since 2002 and founded the Yoga for Survivors program in 2005; its mission is to provide safe, compassionate yoga to survivors of any type of cancer, at any stage of recovery, worldwide.
She leads teacher trainings for other yoga teachers interested in teaching yoga to cancer survivors, as well as yoga for fertility enhancement. www.yogaforsurvivors.com