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- 799総学習者数
- 33合計セッション
- Nov 10, 2011活動開始日
- California, United States位置
As an experienced speaker, Heidi has been featured at many national and global conferences, including the Fortune Magazine Most Powerful Women in Business Summit, ESPN Women's Leadership Summit, and the Million Dollar Round Table. Heidi is CEO and founder of SYNERGY, an integrative neuroscience partnership that provides brain-based training for individuals and organizations. She is also a frequent lecturer Canyon Ranch Resort and Spa in Tucson, Arizona. Heidi's publications include the NY Times best selling book The Sharp Solution, Stressaholic, Recharge and Relax Your Fat Off.
Heidi is a fellow with the American Institute of Stress and currently serves as editor of their publication, Contentment. She is on the national board of Blessings in a Backpack, and provides volunteer services to The Alzheimer's Association, Challenged Athletes Foundation and other non-profit organizations.